You're In Safe Hands Here
Hello people of the world, I know it's been a while since I updated and for that I apologise but a lack of intersting things and a lack of a computer have rendered my blogging capabilities some what useless. Anyway, whilst discussing the merits of various crappy talent contests that are popping up on British TV, the cogs started whiring in the back of my brain and I remebered this classic bit of footage from last year. David 'safe hands' Seaman, England goalkeeper of many years standing was taking part in an ice dancing contest when he dropped his partner, not good for someone whose career relied on catching and holding onto things. Anyway, I know it doesn't compare with the previous bear clip but I thought it was quite funny anyway so here goes:
Whilst talking about talent contests there has recently been a show called 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?' In reference to this and to the recent antics of Kim Jong Il and his pals, The Sun newspaper had the brilliant front page headline of 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Jong Il?' I thought personally that that was hilarious.
I'm bored and have work to do now so i'll leave you now, until the next time,
Whilst talking about talent contests there has recently been a show called 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?' In reference to this and to the recent antics of Kim Jong Il and his pals, The Sun newspaper had the brilliant front page headline of 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Jong Il?' I thought personally that that was hilarious.
I'm bored and have work to do now so i'll leave you now, until the next time,