Sometimes Words Just Aren't Enough

Hi everybody! All I can possibly say on this next clip is that you might want to fast forward through the speech at the beginning but other than that I'm stumped as to exactly how this is representative of the Neighbours 20th anniversary:
Other things that I've noticed this week mainly involve the humble pedestrian crossing. It would appear that your average British pedestrian does not seem to posses the miniscule brain power that it takes to complete the following equation:
pressure from index finger + spherical plastic button = increased chances of crossing the road
What I'm getting at is, why the fuck don't the inbred, half witted, moronic retards that shambolically saunter the streets of Britain, push the button to cross the road instead of standing still and wondering why the cars aren't stopping. The amount of times I've had to mutter various obscenities under my breath and march purposefully, finger outstretched to save the public from deep vain thrombosis caused by standing still for too long at a crossing is ridiculous. Infact, I think I'll leave it next time and just let the assembled masses perish at the road side.
Also, why have they redesigned pedestrian crossing boxes so that you have to look behind you to see the green man instead of straight ahead like in the good old days. I'm getting a neck injury from it.
People that walk slowly in the street annoy me too, I sometimes feel an overwhelming urge to just pick them up and move them to one side so that I can progress at a pace that befits my purpose.
But anyway, I've run out of things to say again so until the next time,
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