The Old Curiosity Shop

Just because I look at the world sometimes and think 'What the hell is going on here?'

Location: England

Since stumbling out of University 2 years ago I've taken it upon myself to spend most of my time travelling around the world in a slightly haphazard way.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

That Was A Long Time Ago

Ok, so it's late and there are no pictures because I forgot my camera but here we go anyway, the review of David Ford at The Borderline in deepest, darkest Londinium. Now if i'm been perfectly honest this isn't the greatest gig review of all time as I promised, but I drank a little too much Guinness on the night and my memory of the latter end of the set is hazy.

The show started off with a song I'd never heard before, but it was amazing none the less. Ford employed his patented looping system to make some kind of odd chanting system that sounded a little like a choir of monks but despite that it was easily on a par with anything on his debut album. There was another new song early on which I will call 'St Peter' (purely for the fact that it mentioned St Peter a lot). If the first new song was on a par with the last album, this one was even better, the lyrics were amazing, top notch stuff. In and around this were 'I Don't Care What You Call Me' and 'State Of The Union', the latter of which was the best I have ever seen it performed, absolutly perfect. Some where mid-set 'Cheer Up (You Miserable Fuck)' was wheeled out and despite some distictly average backing vocals from the audience, the performance was great. Amazing how out of tune the general public can be though. To top off the songs from the debut album, 'Laughing Aloud' was performed in it's entirity which was mega. I'm certain there were other songs off the album, I just can't remember which ones, sorry. There were other new songs in the main set, after which followed a schitzophrenic encore or two. These included snippets of old, new and random songs and at one point saw David return back to his Easyworld days and rock out like a good 'un (although not on an Easyworld song unfortunately). As I say, there were other new songs thrown in which didn't stick in the memory as much but as I aluded too earlier, that was probably the Guinness rather than the quality of song writing, and alas, much to the constant baying of all of those present he would not perform 'Afternoon Delight'. Shame.

If I was a school teacher and I was marking David Ford's work on the performance of the gig I would give him 8/10. He loses marks for not performing 'A Long Time Ago' and 'Katie' but beggars can't be chosers and it was an amazing show. However, things that picked up marks were the facts that the backing singers were very, very pretty and the stage looked cool with the white fairy lights all over. The End.

I'll be updating again soon with more of the usual crap that you find on here, but for now, in the words of the Bay City Rollers, all I can say is bye, bye, bye baby, baby, bye, bye,



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